How To Write A Customer Service Resume

We all know that when you are looking for a job in the customer service industry, you are going to need that ever faithful document that you send out to help you get the job you are searching for. Just like all other types of jobs, you need to have a good resume and cover letter to help employers determine if you are or are not the right person for their job openings.

When you are tweaking you customer service representative resume, you really want to write it just like any other resume that you are going to write. But you need to keep some things in mind when you are honing it for a customer service type job. I won’t teach in this article on how to use a customer service resume template — there are plenty of these types of templates online. You can easily find a customer service resume example as well just by doing a quick Google search.

What I want to show you is how to kind of modify your current resume to help you use it to win the employer over.

The first thing that I would do is look at your past job experience and kind of tweak it to read from the mind that you have had experience with working with people and that type of thing. Think about all you past jobs — there has to be some way that you can word it from a “working with people” perspective. Customer service is all about working with people and if you can word your resume to show how all your past work experience relates to that, you are ahead of the game.

Remember that there are going to be a lot of resumes coming in for the same job and that yours will need to stand out. Wording it from a customer service prospective will do just that because no one else will be thinking this way.

Usually this is enough to get you in the door for an interview which is exactly what you are going for. Once you are in for the interview, you just want to impress them with your knowledge of the company (do your research!) and how well you will fit in with the needs of the company.

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